August 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Christopher DiBiaseMeeting Minutes

August 13, 2019 Meeting Minutes

Attendance: Directors present were Herman Martinez, Steve Milbrod, and Ernie Wawrowicz. Absent were Jerry Hufford and Pat Sefton. Thus, there was a quorum.

Due to the Nature of the guest speaker, Vanessa Baugh, that portion of the meeting was attended by both members and non-members.

Call To Order: Herman Martinez called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Member at large Ernie Wawrowicz led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ken Anderson provided the invocation.

Guest Speaker: Vanessa Baugh – Manatee County Commissioner District 5

Commissioner Baugh highlighted that her district – including Lakewood Ranch – was number one in growth in the US. She indicated she works for us, and would like to hear more from her constituents. She indicated traffic congestion was the biggest issue in Manatee County. Round-a-bouts are planned on S.R. 70 from Lorraine Road to County Road 675, including one planned for Del Webb Boulevard. She said the funding for the new roads would come from Impact fees rather than from raising our taxes.

Commissioner Baugh took questions from the audience.

Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report

Current Balance is $2,911, an increase of $60 from the prior month.

In July, A.V.M.S. was officially granted 501(c)3 status by the I.R.S. This means the organization is classified as a tax-exempt charitable organization, and thus has significant favorable implications as we seek sponsor donations.

For cost savings, we changed our bank from Sun Trust to Synovus.

Outreach Report

Ken Anderson reported on the decision to suspend the effort to seek coordination of Outreach efforts with other committees in Del Webb. HOA was not interested at this time. It will be revisited in a year. Outreach for A.V.M.S. member families will continue.


Bob Sharak reported 131 members in good standing, an increase of 35% from last year. A Membership Directory is on posted our website and requires a password, which can be obtained from any Board member.


No report.

Supply Officer

Fred Chapman has A.V.M.S. hats for sale at $15 and shirts for $35.

Old Business

  1. Veterans Memorial – Construction has started near the entrance to the Oasis parking lot. All Services will be represented. Dedication planned for Veterans Day in November.
  2. Member of the Quarter – Christopher DiBiase was nominated and approved.
  3. Operation Thanksgiving – The goal this year is 100 Dinner boxes. Prior year was 75. Sunday November 24 is set for the Packing Party. Sponsorship is $50 per box. A promotion campaign is planned for September.

New Business

Pat Sefton has resigned her position as Secretary to pursue personal interests. We thank Pat for her valued service to A.V.M.S. Bob Sharak was voted in as Secretary by unanimous vote. Bob will serve as Secretary through the end of the term.

50/50 Winner of $98 was Ken Anderson.

Motion to close the meeting was made and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

Respectively submitted,
Robert Sharak – Secretary