AVMS Meeting Minutes January 13, 2025
Call to Order:
- Rich Greenberg President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm.
- Dave Chervin, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Bob Turner
Officer Reports
Treasurer’s Report
November – Steve Milbrod:
Beginning Balance – $1,588.63
Ending Balance – $4,327.23
$1,292.00 – Dues
$30.00 – 50/50 Proceeds
$1515.00 – Miscellaneous donations ($1,500 from Baily Family Foundation (Truman’s)
$99.00 – Annual payment to Google for GMass email service
Steve also gave a presentation recapping our financial results for the previous year. A highlight was that AVMS donated a total of $55.000 in 2024 to a variety of charities.
Secretary’s Report
David Chervin
(5) voting members of the Board were present. Bob Turner was introduced as the new Vice-President.
Agenda Items
Guest Speakers
- We were presented a plaque in appreciation of our Operation Thanksgiving donation by the MacDill AFB Gasparilla Diamonds First Sergeants Council.
- Trish Kauffman and Dave Malia from JFCS Cares gave a presentation on their organization regarding services offered to veterans.
JROTC Scholarship
- Dave Chervin reported that we will award a scholarship again this year to a JROTC student at Lakewood Ranch High School.
Corporate Sponsors
- Deb Distefano and John Bastiani will be recruiting volunteers to solicit local businesses to become AVMS Sponsors.
Night at the Races
- Deb Distefano gave a brief overview of this upcoming event to be held March 29th. Details are forthcoming.
Webb Fest 2025
- Steve Milbrod gave a brief overview of this upcoming event to be held April 25th. The band Bynge has been booked. Additional details are forthcoming.
JFCS Stand Down
- Paul Cote gave a brief overview of this upcoming event to be held February 22nd. From 9 -1 at Robard’s Arena. This is an annual event that brings together various professionals who can assist Homeless veteran’s with a variety of issues. Paul asked that anyone wanting to help contact him directly.
Viet Nam Veteran’s Day
- This year’s ceremony will be held March 29th. Details forthcoming.
By Way of Introduction
- Our newly elected Vice-President Bob Turner took the opportunity to introduce himself. He spoke about his Marine military background and made some suggestions about increasing awareness of AVMS.
- The 50/50 was drawn at the end of the meeting.
Rich Greenberg thanked John Bastiani our cookie sponsor.
Respectively submitted,
Dave Chervin – Secretary