AVMS Meeting Minutes July 9, 2024
Call to Order: Rich Greenberg -President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Director-at-Large Deb DiStefano led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Led by Bob Turner
Roll Call / Attendance: Four Directors were present
Guest Speaker: Phillip Mockler from Operation Warrior Resolution was our speaker for July. He provided an overview of his background and how, through holistic treatments and retreats provided by Operation Warrior Resolution, he was able to help overcome his mental health issues caused by his service in the Marines and Army.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Deb DiStefano announced that the June 2024 meeting minutes were approved by the Board electronically and are available on our website. Deb acknowledged one new member at the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported:
For the month of June, we had a beginning balance of $24,248.22 and we ended the month with $24,428.17.
We deposited $242.97 in gross revenue from miscellaneous donations.
On the Expense side: There was a total of $63.02. $32.09 was for a replacement base for one of our flags and $30.93 went to merchandise supplies.
Other Business
- Lip Sync was cancelled because we didn’t have enough volunteers for the acts to create a good show. We will be considering a Holiday theme Lip Sync Battle for later in the year.
- We did not put out the flags for the fourth of July as previously reported because the HOA/Castle was concerned about interfering with the start of the new landscape contract.
- There will be services at the Sarasota Cemetery on Wednesday morning at 10 am and 11 am. Those wishing to attend can ride with Rich Greenberg.
- We will be hosting a 9/11 Memorial Ceremony at 9:30 am on September 11th.
- John Bastiani reviewed the upcoming AVMS events. These are also posted on our website.
- There is no meeting in August 2024. Starting in September, our monthly meeting will be held on the 2nd Monday of each month. The next meeting will be on September 9 at 6:30 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Deb DiStefano for Dave Chervin – Secretary