January 11, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Call To Order: Jerry Hufford Commander called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Director-At-Large, Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was given by Ken Anderson.
Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by Commander Jerry Hufford.
Roll Call / Attendance: Directors present were Jerry Hufford, Rich Greenberg, Linda Chambers, Steve Milbrod, and Joe Ward. There were 19 members present. Thus, there was not a quorum of membership.
Guest Speaker: The guest speaker from Sarasota JFCS Veterans & Military Outreach Program was unable to attend the meeting.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Membership Roster – Linda Chambers reports that we have 301 members. 179 members on the roster have paid their 2022 dues.
All members must pay their dues by January 30, 2022 to remain in good standing.
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Steve Milbrod reported:
Ending balance last month $1,487.00
Current balance $3,404.86
Increases were from members’ payment of 2022 dues.
Steve also announced that people can give to a sustainment fund, beyond their membership dues, at any time to help cover operating expenses.
Committee Reports
Membership Acquisition / Retention: John Bastiani reported that there will be information in the Threads every month to encourage people to join AVMS. He also plans to put information out on the Facebook pages Del Webbers and The Lighter Side pages to encourage people in the community to join. Webmaster, Chris DiBiase, will put a calendar of events on the AVMS web site.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Ken Anderson reports that people continue to contact them to get help when needed. He also said that they are working on educating people about what they actually do and what is mission essential.
Sergeant of Arms: No report
Supply Officer: Rich Greenberg spoke for Debbie DiStefano. Debbie will purchase v-neck t-shirts for women to purchase. The fit of these shirts will be more suitable for women.
Old Business
- Joe Ward pointed out sign-up sheets for upcoming events for volunteers. Our events are successful because of all the members who make it possible.
- Winter Fest has been postponed due to Covid issues. It will be rescheduled.
- Jerry Hufford discussed partnering with Cyprus Spring Retirement Home to work with veterans living there. Jerry and his wife, Peggy, went to the home on Christmas Eve to donate four quilts to four WWII veterans. Carol Moran created the beautiful patriotic quilts and donated them to AVMS. There will be an article in the Observer about their visit. We are working with their activities director to come up with ways to get more involved with their veterans.
- Linda Chambers went over changes to the AVMS by laws. You will be able to vote on these changes at the next General Meeting on February 8th at 6:30 pm. or, can vote electronically through a link that will be provided to you through your email.
New Business
- Steve Milbrod requests members to volunteer and sponsor a social hour after each monthly meeting. It would be great if people would volunteer to bring some type of goodies and drinks for consumption and conversation. It will give everyone an opportunity to get to know each other better.
- Rich Greenberg reports that the protocol for unclaimed soldiers at the National Cemetery changed. He and Joe Ward will attend the new ceremony January 12th to see if there is a way for us to get involved.
- There was a discussion about putting together a committee to acquire guest speakers for the meetings. We want the speakers to be relevant to the needs of the people in our community.
Motion to close the meeting at 7:16 was made by Jerry Hufford and seconded by Rich Greenberg
Next Meeting: February 8 at 6:30 pm
Respectively submitted, Linda Chambers – Secretary