March 14, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes

Christopher DiBiaseMeeting Minutes

March 14, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: Rich Greenberg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Director-At-Large Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by President, Rich Greenberg.

Roll Call/Attendance: All five Directors present: Rich Greenberg, Dave Chervin, Steve Milbrod, John Bastiani and Joe Ward.

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report: Dave Chervin announced that February’s meeting minutes were approved by the Board electronically and are available on our Website. Minutes will be posted on the A.V.M.S. website.

Membership Roster – Dave Chervin reported as of the meeting we have 46 new members for the 2023 calendar year.

Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported:

Opening balance $4,465.67
Ending Balance $10,662.65

$3,040 – Dues
$3,360 – Del Webb Feud tickets
$295 – donations
$50 – merchandise sales

$400.00 – deposit Web Fest band
$20.00 – refund of registration fee for cancelled Talent Show

Old Business

  • Del Web Feud March 19th – we have sold out this event.
  • Spring Dance – Steve announced that it will be held Saturday April 22nd featuring the Juicy Purple band. An ice cream truck will be on site.
  • Corporate Sponsorships – Deb Distefano gave an update on the work her committee is doing. Corporate sponsorships will be solicited with a reward program such as Platinum ($1,000) Gold ($500) Silver ($300) and Bronze ($200). Sponsors will be able to advertise on our website and would receive complimentary admissions to events.

New Business

  • There will be a Memorial Day event in downtown Lakewood Ranch on Sunday May 28th. Further details are forthcoming.
  • There will be a Vietnam Veterans ceremony at the Circle of Honor on March 29th at 9:30am. All Vietnam veterans are invited to a luncheon at Desoto Palms at 11:00 am. Further details are forthcoming.
  • John Bastiani explained that we will provide free installation of flag brackets (preferably white) in advance of Memorial Day.
  • Rich Greenberg announced that we will have a Missing Man table again in the Oasis during the month of May to honor POW’s and MIA’s. We will honor fallen warriors by posting stars in the lobby .
  • Bob Turner spoke about the American flag retirement program that he is organizing.
  • John Bastiani thanked our members Del and Becky Wilson for donating refreshments at the meeting.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday April 11th at 6:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Kendra Simpkins from Operation Warrior Resolution.

Motion to close the meeting at 7:30 was made by Rich Greenberg and seconded by John Bastiani.

Respectively submitted,

Dave Chervin – Secretary