March 8, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Call To Order: Rich Greenberg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. The invocation was given by Rick Davis. Director-At-Large, Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by President, Rich Greenberg.
Roll Call / Attendance: Directors present were Rich Greenberg, Linda Chambers, Steve Milbrod, and Joe Ward.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Membership Roster – Linda Chambers reported that we have 315 members. 220 members on the roster have paid their 2022 dues. All members must pay their dues by March 31, 2022 to remain in good standing. AVMS dues can be paid online at this link: Pay AVMS Dues
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer Steve Milbrod reported:
Ending balance last month $3,404.00
Current balance $4,165
Increases were from members payment of 2022 dues.
We made several large expenditures: Website hosting service renewal fee, Quick Books renewed, and deposit on the band for Webb Fest.
Committee Reports
Membership Acquisition / Retention: John Bastiani reported that there will be new AVMS information in the Threads.
John encouraged members to check our the Website that Chris DiBiase maintains.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Paul Cote reported for Ken Anderson:
Neighbors Helping Neighbors has been very busy in the community. Some of the things they have been doing are:
- Providing transportation for those in need.
- Providing meals to many families
- Providing companions for someone suffering from Alzheimers.
- There will be an article in the Threads about the Berensons.
Sergeant of Arms: No Report
Supply Officer: Deb DiStefano modeled the new women’s v-neck t-shirt that is now in stock. Ladies, if you are interested in the new shirts contact Deb.
New Business
Rich Greenberg discussed the need for a Vice President. He requested that anyone who is interested should let the board know. The VP will be appointed by the board, according to the By-Laws.
Steve Milbrod announced that the Webb Fest will be on April 23rd in the Oasis parking lot. The band for the event will be Lucky Penny from Tampa.
Tickets will be sold to AVMS members in good standing beginning on Thursday, March 10th from 12:00 to 2:00pm in the Wifi Café. The price of the ticket is $15.00 for members. Ticket sales will be on March 16, 18, and 19 from 12:00 to 2:00pm in the Wifi Café. These tickets are open for purchase by the entire community. If you are not a member the cost of the ticket is $20.00.
Joe Ward discussed the possibility of working with Cypress Grove assisted living. Jerry Hufford was very interested in starting an outreach program to the residents of Cypress Grove. The board will be meeting with the life director on Friday, March 11 to see how we can help.
Rich Greenberg Coming Events
March 29 at 10:00am at the Del Webb Memorial there will be a ceremony in honor of the Vietnam Veterans.
My Warriors Place will be working with homeless veterans and at-risk veterans. They are looking for volunteers for this special event occurring April 7 through April 10.
Respectively submitted, Linda Chambers – Secretary