Member of the Quarter: Debbie Pye
A.V.M.S is proud to recognize Debbie Pye as our next Member of the Quarter.
As you will see Debbie has a history of always helping others. Period.
She is the Founder of Putnam Shoes For Children based in Hurricane, West Virginia. As group leader for the Del Webb Ladies Luncheon, she has met so many wonderful ladies! Debbie is active at Our Lady of the Angels parrish in Lakewood Ranch. She is always available to help others with short term projects.
What did she do before becoming a Del Webb homeowner?
Debbie received her undergraduate degree in Business and Marketing from West Virginia University and then went on to complete her Master in Corporate and Organizational Communications.
Debbie lived in Hurricane, West Virginia for 16 years. She spent 9 of those years running her business All Thru the House in Teays Valley. After selling the business, Debbie began working with Armstrong World Industries in the Ceiling Division. She was fortunate to have a great international mentor who guided her in the acoustical aspects of design. Her expertise is in Speech Intelligibility Design.
She worked with architects in West Virginia and the surrounding states designing all commercial facilities to have optimal acoustic design. Debbie worked with architects in the acoustical design of all LEED schools in West Virginia to meet LEED requirements. So, living in a “Green” community like Del Webb Lakewood Ranch is very meaningful to her.
Working with the West Virginia School Building Authority gave her the opportunity to develop and write the acoustical standards for the 2009 School Guidelines. West Virginia’s School BUilding Authority adopted these as the ANSI 12.60-2002 Acoustical Society of America standards (few states have these codes.) Debbie also wrote the guidelines for acoustical building design for West Virginia University, Marshall University, and University of Charleston.
Organizations and Affiliations
Debbie has always been active with community service and professional organizations. A few are:
- Putnam County Rotary – Founding member
- Putnam County Chamber of Commerce
- Ascension Catholic Church
Organizations in which she has been active and affiliated are:
- US Green Building Council
- West Virginia Green Building Council – Founding member
- Acoustical Society of America – Full Member
- Acoustical Society of America – North Carolina Chapter
- American Institute of Architects – Associate member
- West Virginia Healthcare Association
- County Commissioners Association of West Virginia
Debbie and her husband Jim have been married for almost 43 years. They have one son, Shawn. They are grandparents to Elise and Colton Pye. Debbie and Jim are strong supporters of A.V.M.S. and continue to serve the association in every way possible.
Putnam Shoes For Children:
Putnam Shoes for Children purchases quality, new shoes for the children of need each year. (Just click on the Donate button to support our program)
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