Operation Outreach To Serve Del Webb Community
With pleasure we announce that the Del Webb Lakewood Ranch Association of Veterans and Military Supporters (DWLRAVMS) – under the leadership of Commander Herman Martinez and Vice Commander Jerry Hufford – has commissioned a new service for all our community residents known as “Operation Outreach.”
The focus of Operation Outreach is twofold:
- To bring awareness of the special needs our residents may be experiencing
- To serve the special needs of our residents
We live in a special community and desire to be known for the quality of life we get to share with one another. To this end, Operation Outreach is in place to assist our residents when help is required so that quality of life can be restored and community life can once again be enjoyed.
Operation Outreach Services
Services that Operation Outreach may perform – and that will require community-wide support – include (but not limited to) the following:
- Assisting with Meals
- Assisting with Rides to grocery store and / or pharmacy
- Providing Pet Care and Plant Care
- Sending a card / making a phone call
- Conducting Hospital / Home Visits
NOTE: If you have any sort of orthopedic aids (e.g. canes, crutches, walkers) to lend, please contact one of the Outreach Committee Members below so we may inventory them and call you when they’re needed:
Operation Outreach Committee
Ken Anderson, Chairman
Email: ken_maranderson@bellsouth.net
Cell: (678) 699-0370
Linda Chambers
Email: ldcmej@yahoo.com
Cell: (352) 777-3035
Larry Voith
Email: ljv42@outlook.com
Cell: (317) 989-4632
Peggy Hufford
Email: peggyh6000@gmail.com
Cell: (708) 822-8871
When you need help or know of someone that may need help, thank you in advance for not hesitating to contact one of the Outreach Committee Members for assistance. Let’s all contribute in having our community known for promoting a quality of life for all our residents.
“We each have the power to give. It’s the most gratifying feeling ever. By reaching out to help another human being, you’re sending ripples of positive change.” ― Dana Arcuri