Operation Thanksgiving 2019 means our Del Webb Association of Veterans and Military Supporters are once again providing a gift of thanks to military families in need at MacDill Airforce Base.
If you want to sponsor a Thanksgiving Box for a military family, you can sign up in the WiFi Café at the Oasis from Monday, October 14th to Friday, October 18th. On these days, AVMS volunteers will be available from 12:00 noon until 2:00pm to provide details.
Sign up October 14-18 from 12:00 – 2:00pm in the Oasis WiFi Cafe
From your $50 donation, a military family in need will receive a decorated box. Each box contains Thanksgiving food along with vouchers for a turkey and pie. Additionally, each $50 sponsor is invited to participate in the November 24th Packing Party. There, you will pack your box and take part in a special holiday celebration.
Still trying to decide? Why not see how much fun we had at our Operation Thanksgiving Packing Party in 2018 >>?
There are only 100 sponsorships available for Operation Thanksgiving 2019, so don’t delay.