Operation Thanksgiving 2022

Christopher DiBiaseNews & Events

Operation Thanksgiving 2022

Once again this year, the AVMS Operation Thanksgiving project was a huge success thanks to the wonderful generosity of Del Webb residents and AVMS Board of Directors member Joe Ward who oversaw the project with David Chervin.

Donations totaled $13,150. That enabled us to purchase 263 $50 dollar Gift Cards from the MacDill AFB Commissary.

Southeastern Grocers (Winn-Dixie) also donated an additional $1,000 via Winn Dixie $20 dollar Gift Cards.

Additional donations from Residents totaling $360 were received after our cutoff date for purchasing the Commissary gift cards. This was converted to additional Winn Dixie Gift Cards. These 18 $20 dollar Gift Cards were presented to the MacDill Warm Hearts program.

The presentation was made to the First Sergeants Council and the Operation Warm Heart program at MacDill AFB on November 15, 2022 by Joe Ward, Rich Greenberg and David Chervin.