A.V.M.S. Meeting Minutes August 10, 2021
(There was no meeting in July)
Call To Order: Jerry Hufford, Commander, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was given by Ken Anderson.
Attendance: Directors present were Jerry Hufford, Bob Sharak, Steve Milbrod, and Joe Ward. Thus, there was a quorum of Directors. There were 41 members at the meeting in The Oasis. Thus, there was not a quorum of membership.
Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by Commander Jerry Hufford.
Guest Speaker: There was no guest speaker at the meeting.
Officer Reports
Treasurer’s Report: Since there was no meeting in July, Steve Milbrod reported for the 2 -month period June and July:
Opening balance: $7,266
+ Dues and Donations $1,628
– Expenses – primarily Appreciation party (690)
Ending Balance $8,204
Secretary’s Report: Secretary Bob Sharak, asked for and received Board approval of June 8, 2021 meeting minutes. Minutes are posted on our website.
Membership Directory: 250 members as of the date of the meeting, an all-time high. This was up from 231 in June.
Committee Reports
Membership Acquisition/Retention: No report.
Website: Jerry Hufford reported for webmaster Chris DiBiase. It is an organization goal to make our website more dynamic with improved and relevant content. We seek volunteers to aid in communication content, not only for the website, but other forms of communication as well.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Ken Anderson reported that the magnetic card has been made available to all residents.
The Neighbors Helping Neighbors team is sponsoring a community-wide event on August 26, 9:00 am at the Del Webb pool deck, to convey our best wishes to a very special Del Webb neighbor who continues to recover from a very serious auto accident that occurred on SR-70 near the Del Webb front entrance back in March. Jeff Berenson is that special neighbor! Details to be sent out separately.
Sergeant of Arms: No report.
Supply Officer: Debbie DiStefano reported due to high volume of sales, our inventory is low and a new order needs to be placed. A suggested order will be made to the board.
Old Business
- Appreciation Dance – Director–At-Large Joe Ward reported that the dance was very successful and was at maximum capacity for the Oasis.
- Golf Cart Parade – Jerry Hufford reported that the parade was a success with 40 golf carts participating. In the future, we would want to improve neighborhood attendance.
- Southeast Guide Dogs – Jerry Hufford reminded everyone that AVMS is a Special donor and the Southeast Guide Dogs is open for tours for the members. Books and pamphlets were put on the table for all to take and read.
New Business
- Commander Jerry Hufford reported that the new website for AVMS is AVMS.US. This was done in response to members’ desire for a website name that was easier to remember. The old website DWLWRVETS.com is still useable. They are linked.
- Treasurer Steve Milbrod reported that AVMS is looking to enhance the Communications Committee with knowledgeable volunteers to help provide content for our communications, e-mail, Facebook etc. The volunteers do not have to be proficient in web design.
- Pet Parade – Steve Milbrod reported that the 2021 Pet Parade will be held Thursday Oct 28. Details to follow.
- Jerry Hufford reported that the Christmas season Golf Cart parade will be an evening event on Friday Dec 10th. Since the event will be in the evening, Golf Cart participants will need to ensure that they have capacity to light up their golf carts.
- Operation Thanksgiving – Secretary Bob Sharak reported that the project will be similar to last year, with (Covid-19 permitting) the addition of a packing/appreciation party for donors. The campaign will take place during the month of October. Sign-up sheets for committee volunteers were provided at the meeting.
- 9/11 Event and Pearl Harbor Memorials – A half hour 9/11 event is being planned to commemorate the 20-year anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy. A Pearl Harbor Memorial event in in the planning stages. Details to follow.
- Local Charities – Jerry Hufford indicated that AVMS is looking for additional military type charities to donate to in 2021. Priority should be to Manatee and Sarasota County organizations. If any member would like to put forth a charity for consideration, please e-mail Jerry with your candidate.
- AVMS Introductory letter to new Del Webb residents – Thanks go to Rick Davis for developing a welcoming letter to new Del Webb residents from AVMS indicating who we are, and what we do. We plan to include this letter in the new resident welcoming packet, along with the existing AVMS Membership application.
- Member of the Quarter – Ellen Milbrod for her contribution to AVMS becoming a 501 (c) 3 organization due to her efforts completing the IRS application, as well as our tax returns. She also maintains our business documents for the State of Florida.
Membership dues prorated for joining in the 3rd quarter stay the same at: $10 /single and $20/couple.
Next Meeting: September 14th at 6:30 pm. (No meeting in November)
Open Forum: Suggested that new members attending the meeting not only be recognized but also tell everyone a little about themselves.
50/50 Winner: The winner was Victor Bunt and amount was $70.
Motion to close the meeting at 7:10 was made by Secretary Bob Sharak and seconded by Joe Ward.
Respectively submitted,
Robert Sharak – Secretary