June 8, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Christopher DiBiaseMeeting Minutes

A.V.M.S. Meeting Minutes June 8, 2021

6:00 Pre-Meeting Demonstration of shutter installation – conducted by Steve Milbrod and Jerry Hufford. Demonstration was open to all Del Webb residents.

Call to Order: Jerry Hufford, Commander, called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm. Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was given by Jerry Hufford.

Attendance: Directors present were Jerry Hufford, Rich Greenberg, Bob Sharak, Steve Milbrod, and Joe Ward. Thus, there was a quorum of Directors. There were 51 members in the meeting in the Oasis. Thus, there was also a quorum of membership.

Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by Commander Jerry Hufford.

Guest Speaker: There was no guest speaker at the meeting.

Officer Reports

Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported for the month of May:
Opening balance $9,988
+ Deposits of dues and apparel sales $354
– Donation to M.O.T.S. ($1,500)
– Donation to SE Guide Dogs ($1,500)
– Flag harnesses and flag install. hardware ($76)
Ending Balance $7,266

Secretary’s Report: Secretary Bob Sharak, asked for and received Board approval of May 11, 2021 meeting minutes. Minutes will be posted on our website.

Membership Directory: 231 members as of the date of the meeting, an all-time high. 70 or 30% of the membership are new members added this year. 27% of the membership are veterans. 75% of membership are couples’ memberships, and 25% single memberships.

Committee Reports

Membership Acquisition/Retention: Plans are to have a A.V.M.S. table at the next new resident “Meet and Greet”.

Website: Chris DiBiase was noted as our webmaster.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Vice Commander Rich Greenberg reported an update for Ken Anderson:

  • NHN developed a magnetic card for all residents listing all relevant information and contact numbers. The cards are at the printer and will be distributed with the new resident directory. HOA has agreed to pay for the cards.

Sergeant of Arms: Guy Sumrall was recognized for his efforts as Sergeant of Arms.

Supply Officer: Rich Greenberg reported for Debbie DiStefano that we sold some shirts and hats at the recent Lakewood Ranch “Salute to Heroes” at the Greenbrook Adventure Park.

Old Business

  1. Missing Man Table – A special shout out goes to Herman Martinez and his wife Linda for re-establishing the Missing Man table.
  2. Flag Mounting – Jerry Hufford reported that 22 flag holders were installed by A.V.M.S.
  3. Memorial Day Event – Vice Commander Rich Greenberg reported that 600 flags were placed around the Rt 70 and Masters’ gate entrances. A special thanks to the volunteers that distributed and collected the flags.
  4. Memorial Day Service – A note was made to address the low audio volume for next year. Also, lawn chairs will be recommended. Poppies will be distributed next year as well. The local VFW will donate.

New Business

  1. June Member Appreciation Event – Friday, June 25 an appreciation event will be held in the Oasis for members. DJ and dancing with snacks provided. BYOB. Free to members. $5 for a non-member guest. Use the link on the invitation e-mail.
  2. Two golf cart parades – Friday July 2nd and an evening parade Friday December 10th. Looking for volunteers to work the parades and be judges.
  3. Southeastern Guide Dogs donation – with the $1,500 donation, A.V.M.S. has committed to make a similar donation for the next 3 years. A.V.M.S. will be recognized as a “Cornerstone” member. Special recognition and tours by Southeastern Guide Dogs.
  4. Membership dues prorated for joining in the 2nd quarter stay the same at $15 /single and $30/couple.

Next Meeting: August 10th at 6:30 pm. (No meeting in July or November)

Open Forum:

Sarasota Memorial is still in hiatus for services for “Unclaimed – no next of kin”.

A nice “Thank You” note was received from Manasota Operation Troop Support (M.O.T.S.) for our recent donation.

50/50 Winner: The winner was Irene Reedy and amount was $65.

Motion to close the meeting at 7:17 was made by Commander Hufford and seconded by Treasurer Steve Milbrod.

Respectively submitted,
Robert Sharak – Secretary