May 11, 2021 Meeting Minutes

Christopher DiBiaseMeeting Minutes

A.V.M.S. Meeting Minutes May 11, 2021

Call to Order: Jerry Hufford, Commander, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance. Invocation was given by Ken Anderson.

Attendance: Directors present were Jerry Hufford, Rich Greenberg, Steve Milbrod, and Joe Ward. Thus, there was a quorum of Directors. There were 31 participants in the meeting in the Oasis. There was no Zoom meeting this month.

Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by Commander Jerry Hufford.

Guest Speaker: There was no guest speaker at the meeting.

Officer Reports

Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reports for the month of April we had a beginning balance of $8,027.42. We ended the month with $9,998.07. Most of the deposits for the month were due to Webb Fest proceeds. Our Webb Fest fundraiser grossed $6,324 and we netted $5,386 after expenses. Additionally, in the past 2 weeks, we donated $1,500 to Manasota Operation Troop Support M.O.T.S. and $1,500 to Southeastern Guide Dogs. These donations will be reflected in the May bank statement.

Secretary’s Report: Joe Ward, reporting for Secretary Bob Sharak, asked for and received Board approval of April 13, 2021 meeting minutes. Minutes will be posted on our website.

Membership Directory: 214 members as of the date of the meeting, an all-time high. 26% of the membership are new members added this year.

Committee Reports

Membership Acquisition/Retention: The individual emails were based on a list of the new residents posted in the “Threads of the Webb” magazine. New residents already receive an A.V.M.S. application and letter in their closing/welcome packet.

Website: No report.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors: Ken Anderson provided an update:

  • Neighbors Helping Neighbors now has a poster on display in the OASIS Lobby. A huge THANKS to Steve Milbrod for volunteering his time and creative / artistic talent in designing the poster…and thank you to Amanda Arnold for paying for the poster out of her budget.
  • All new residents receive a one-page document on Neighbors Helping Neighbors in their closing / welcome packet.
  • NHN has also developed a magnetic card for all residents listing all relevant information and contact numbers.

Sergeant of Arms: Guy Sumeral wanted to thank everyone who assisted with Webb Fest.

Supply Officer: Rich Greenberg reported for Debbie DiStefano that we recognized $176 from sales of apparel, including $91 from sales at Webb Fest.

Old Business

  1. Steve Milbrod reported that the first event of the year, the “Webb Fest” fundraiser on Friday April 23rd, was the most successful event of its type that AVMS ever had, in terms of fundraising. (Operation Thanksgiving brought in over $10,000) This is due for the most part, in not being restricted as much in attendance, as if we had the event indoors.

New Business

  1. Missing Man Table – Commander Hufford mentioned that all branches of the service are represented and there are paper stars and pens available for individuals to honor those who have been lost in service to our nation.
  2. Memorial Day Event – Vice Commander Rich Greenberg reported a program is being developed for the Flag area. We have purchased flag harnesses for our flag bearers.
  3. June Summer Social – Steve Milbrod reported that plans are developing for a Summer Social to be held sometime in June. It was suggested to utilize presale VIP to members of AVMS, as our community continues to grow.
  4. Vice Commander Greenberg mentioned our upcoming events such as Memorial Day on May 30 at 9:00 am, and Independence Day on July 4.
  5. Jerry and Mary Northrup discussed the Flag mounting campaign, regarding proper placement guidance, and proper disposal of tattered flags. (Ace, Walmart, and Home Depot/Lowes have receptacles near their new merchandise areas.)
  6. Sarasota Memorial is still in hiatus until further notice.
  7. Commander Hufford discussed the Tribute to Heroes event, sponsored by Lakewood Ranch in Greenbrook Adventure Park. There will be a presentation of colors, introduction for veterans, marching units, entertainment, and refreshments. The parking is free for veterans, $5 for residents. Passes can be obtained on the local website. LWR Community Activities group will be donating $1,000 to A.V.M.S. as part of the event.
  8. Jerry and Mary Northrup discussed the upcoming October dance.Small flags will be set out on the entry roads from Rt 70 and Masters. Volunteers needed.

Membership dues prorated for joining in the 2nd quarter stay the same at $15 /single and $30/couple.

Next Meeting: June 8th 6:30 pm.

Open Forum: Discussion was had on trying to improve the sound quality for our outdoor events as it was a struggle to hear speakers during Webb Fest.

Motion to close the meeting was made by Commander Hufford and seconded by Vice Commander Greenberg.

Respectively submitted,
Robert Sharak – Secretary