December 12, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: Rich Greenberg -President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Director-At-Large Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Invocation: Bob Turner
Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by Secretary – Dave Chervin.
Roll Call / Attendance: All Five Directors were present
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Dave Chervin announced that last month’s meeting minutes were approved by the Board electronically and are available on our Website. Minutes will be posted on the A.V.M.S. website.
Membership Roster – Dave Chervin reported as of the meeting we have 88 new members for the 2023 calendar year. Total membership is 434.
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported:
Opening balance $43,760.66
Ending Balance $2,560.24
$80.00 – Dues
$700.00 – Operation Thanksgiving
$5,088.21- Fall Fiesta proceeds
$725.00 – Donations
$50.00 – Shirt sales
$43,705.42 – donations to Charity Partners
New Business
- Deb Distefano was introduced as new Director at Large
- We had a record breaking year for donations totaling $54,500.
- Rich discussed a potential new Charity partner – Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
- Deb and John spoke about a new Corporate sponsorship event – a golf tournament to be held in the Spring.
- Rich discussed a potential High School ROTC scholarship program
- Steve gave an update on upcoming events in 2024:
2/02/24 – Del Webb Feud
4/27/24 – Spring Webb Fest (with One Night Rodeo band)
TBD – Lip Sync
Our next meeting will be Tuesday January 9th at 6:30 pm.
Motion to close the meeting at 7:30 was made by Rich Greenberg and seconded by John Bastiani.
Respectively submitted,
Dave Chervin – Secretary