January 10, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: Rich Greenberg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Director-At-Large Joe Ward led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by President, Rich Greenberg.
Roll Call/Attendance: All five Directors present: Rich Greenberg, Dave Chervin, Steve Milbrod, John Bastiani and Joe Ward.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Dave Chervin announced that December 2022’s meeting minutes were approved by the Board electronically and are available on our Website. Minutes will be posted on the A.V.M.S. website.
Membership Roster – Dave Chervin reported as of the meeting we have 16 new members and 150 renewals for a total of 186 members (Including 101 Veterans).
Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported:
Opening balance $1,333.71
Ending Balance $2,361.02 – Increase mainly due to membership renewals
Expenses: $282.69 – replenishment of shirt stock.
Committee Reports
John Bastiani announced that Chris DiBiase has been named AVMS Member of the Quarter.
Old Business
- The Windsor Veteran Breakfast – Rich Greenberg reminded all Veterans that they and their spouse/partners are invited the second Wednesday of every month.
- Build for Honor – Rich stated that the ground breaking will be at Sapphire Point February 3rd at 10:00 am. Pulte Homes is donating a mortgage free home to a disabled Iraq veteran.
- John Bastiani reminded us about the Talent Show February 24th and encouraged everyone to spread the word that participants are still needed. It is open to all Del Webb residents with a limit of 15 acts. There is a $10 registration fee and any required music must be submitted in advance.
- Dave Chervin spoke about the proposed changes to the By-Laws. The most significant addition will be “Expanding beyond the Walls”. This would open membership to Veteran’s only who live in nearby developments and allow them to become Associate members.
- Corporate Sponsorships – John Bastiani spoke about developing a new program for next year. Corporate sponsorships will be solicited possibly with a reward program such as Gold ($300) Silver ($200) and Bronze ($100). Sponsors will be able to advertise on our website and would receive complimentary admissions to events.
New Business
There will be a Memorial Day event in downtown Lakewood Ranch on Sunday of Memorial Day weekend. Further details are forthcoming.
Randy Ziemienski has volunteered to be our group photographer.
Jan Houck attended the meeting as our special guest. She is the Sales Director for The Windsor.
It was announced that we will have an Elder Care Attorney speak at our March meeting. It will be open to all Del Webb Residents.
John Bastiani thanked our member Brenda Ianiro for donating refreshments for the meeting
Next Meeting: Tuesday February 14, 2023 at 3:00 pm.
Motion to close the meeting at 7:30 was made by Rich Greenberg and seconded by Joe Ward.
Respectively submitted,
Dave Chervin – Secretary