June 14, 2022 Meeting Minutes
Call To Order: Rich Greenberg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Board members present: Rich Greenberg, John Bastiani, Joe Ward and Linda Chambers.
The Pledge of Allegiance was lead by Joe Ward.
Guest Speaker: Herman Martinez, guest speaker committee chair, introduced Stacey Groff from Tidewell Hospice. Stacey talked about all the volunteer possibilities at Tidewell Hospice. She explained how to get involved. She also had volunteer sign up sheets available.
Old Business
New members were recognized and they introduced themselves to those present.
Treasurer’s Report: Rich Greenberg reported for Treasurer Steve Milbrod.
At the May 10, 2022 we had $16,044.00.
On June 14, 2022 we had $16,540.00
$16.90 spent on supplies
$246.00 was spent on replenishing the AVMS shirt inventory.
$505.92 was collected in dues.
$315.00 was collected in merchandise sales
$1,000.00 donation
Secretary Report: We currently have 350 AVMS members. April 2022 meeting minutes were approved by the board.
Vice President’s Report: John encouraged all members to look at the AVMS web site to find information about the organization.
John also asked members to submit any pictures they took at AVMS events. We are still in search of an official photographer.
Supply Officer Report: Deb DiStefano has plenty of AVMS shirts men and women sizes. Contact her if you are interested in purchasing a shirt.
John Bastiani, Vice President
John reminded us that the memorial has a name, “Circle of Honor”
We gained seven new members at the Del Webb Club Day.
We will continue to install flag brackets for those who need it.
Thank you to all the volunteers that helped put up and take down the flags on Memorial Day.
New Business
Rich Greenberg, President:
We need a nominee for AVMS Secretary. An election for Secretary will be held electronically.
John Bastiani reminded those that are interested to sign up for the Lip Sync Battle On July, 30th. Members can purchase tickets on June 22 & 23d at the Oasis.
Windsor Assisted Living has a Veterans breakfast once a month and would like all interested AVMS members to join their Veterans.
Deb DiStefano won the 50/50
The meeting was adjourned by Rich Greenberg, President at 7:15PM.