May 9, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes

Christopher DiBiaseMeeting Minutes

May 9, 2023 AVMS Meeting Minutes

Call to Order: Rich Greenberg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Director-At-Large Dave Chervin led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Welcome Remarks: New members were welcomed by President, Rich Greenberg.

Roll Call / Attendance: Four Directors present: Rich Greenberg, Dave Chervin, Steve Milbrod, John Bastiani.

Our Guest speaker was Jan Houck – The Windsor.

Officer Reports

Secretary’s Report: Dave Chervin announced that April 2023 meeting minutes were approved by the Board electronically and are available on our Website. Minutes will be posted on the A.V.M.S. website.

Membership Roster – Dave Chervin reported as of the meeting we have 52 new members for the 2023 calendar year.

Treasurer’s Report: Steve Milbrod reported:

Opening balance $16,256.94

$110 – Dues
$3,865 – Webb Fest tickets
$137 – Donations
$1,282 – Corporate Sponsors
$120 – Merchandise sales

$1,548 – Web Fest Fundraiser band and supplies

Ending Balance $20,121.42

Old Business

  • Webb Fest financials – Gross revenue including the ice cream truck and 50/50 was $8,464. After expenses we netted $6,942. This was our highest grossing fundraiser to date.
  • The Lakewood Ranch Memorial Day parade will be held May 28th starting at 7:00pm. There will be a reception for veterans and (1) guest at 5:30 pm. More details will be provided prior to the event.
  • Corporate Sponsorships – John Bastiani gave an update. Corporate sponsorships are solicited with a reward program such as Platinum ($1,000) Gold ($500) Silver ($300) and Friend ($100). Sponsors will be able to advertise on our website and would receive complimentary admissions to events. Sponsors thus far include Tax Chick, Arista Realty, Pulte Homes (Platinum) Remy’s and Juniper (Gold), Jersey Roots and Randy LeGrand (Friend). A total of $3,500 has been donated so far. A banner has been ordered showing the sponsor logos.

New Business

  • John Bastiani explained that we will provide free installation of flag brackets (preferably white) in advance of Memorial Day.
  • Rich Greenberg announced that we have a Missing Man table again in the Oasis during the month of May to honor POW’s and MIA’s. We will honor fallen warriors by posting stars in the lobby.
  • Bob Turner spoke about the American flag retirement program that he is organizing. There will be a ceremony May 28th at 10:00 am.
  • Steve Milbrod announced that we will be Co-hosting the Annual Splish Splash Bash event with the HOA again this year. It will be held at the main pool May 27th from 4-7 pm.
  • Steve also announced that the second annual Lip Sync event will be held July 29th. More information to follow.

The Windsor donated the refreshments for the meeting.

Our next meeting will be Tuesday June 13th at 6:30 pm.

Motion to close the meeting at 7:30 was made by Rich Greenberg and seconded by John Bastiani.

Respectively submitted,
Dave Chervin – Secretary