October 8, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Directors present were Herman Martinez, Jerry Hufford, Bob Sharak, Steve Milbrod, and Ernie Wawrowicz. Thus, there was a quorum. 40 members were present.
Call to Order: Herman Martinez called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Member at large Ernie Wawrowicz led the Pledge of Allegiance. Ken Anderson provided the invocation.
Officer Reports
Secretary’s Report: Bob Sharak asked for Board approval of Sept 10, 2019 meeting minutes. Jerry Hufford approved and Herman Martinez seconded.
Treasurer’s Report: Current Balance is $5,001, an increase of $1,847 from the prior month. Most of the increase is due to the successful Beatles Tribute Band fund raiser.
Committee Reports
Membership: Bob Sharak reports 156 members in good standing, an increase of 61% from last year.
65% of the members are non-military and 35% are military veterans.
A Membership Directory is posted on our website and requires a password, which can be obtained from any Board member.
New Membership committee is Gerry and Mary Northrup.
Website: Webmaster Chris DiBiase reported that the number of hits on our website and Facebook page were very good, considering the size of the organization.
Chris was also recognized as the Member of the Quarter.
Outreach: Ken Anderson, the committee chairperson, asked everyone to be aware if they feel that someone needs help and would benefit from his committee’s outreach.
Contact Ken or anyone on the committee.
Supply Officer: Fred Chapman still has 5 shirts and 3 hats for sale. A.V.M.S. shirts are $35 and hats are $15. Not all sizes of shirts are available.
Old Business
- Secretary Bob Sharak reported that individuals have been signing up to attend the Funeral Service for “Unclaimed” Veterans. Service is each Wednesday at 11:30 am at the Sarasota National Cemetery. A monthly sign up sheet will be at a front table at each meeting, and in the RSVP binder (AVMS tab) in the WiFi Café between meetings.
- Veterans Memorial – construction continues near the entrance to the Oasis parking lot. All Services will be represented. Dedication planned for Veterans Day event in November.
- Operation Thanksgiving – Vice Commander Jerry Hufford reported the goal this year is 100 Dinner boxes. Prior year was 70. Sunday Nov. 24 is set for the Packing Party. Delivery to MacDill AFB will be the next day Monday the 25th. The boxes will be donated primarily to families containing military of lower ranking enlisted. Looking for volunteers with appropriate vehicles to deliver. Sponsorship is $50 per box. At the October meeting, the sponsorships will be opened to the members first. On Monday October 14th, sponsorships will be opened to the general public.
- Veterans Day Festivities:
a. Veterans Breakfast will be funded by Pulte.
b. There will be a short service dedicating the new Veterans Memorial
c. The afternoon (3 pm) agenda will include Sean White (SE Guide Dogs) as the Guest Speaker.
d. Three organizations have been designated to receive donations, amounts TBD:
i. Southeast Guide Dogs
ii. Manasota Operation Troop Support (MOTS)
iii. Turning Points in Bradenton
e. Looking for before/after photos of any veterans. They don’t have to be members of A.V.M.S. Send to Jerry Hufford.
New Business
- Due to the Veterans Day Events there will not be a November meeting.
- Flag Detail Committee – Looking for about 3 volunteers to serve on a new committee to take responsibility for raising and lowering the flags in Del Webb. Let Herman Martinez know of your interest.
- Veterans Day Golf Cart parade will not be held. A new Golf Cart evening parade is in the planning stages for Mid December, to include Luminaries.
- Personal Message Announcement – Herman Martinez announced he will not be seeking re-election as A.V.M.S. Commander due to health and medical issues. He wished to thank all that have helped make the organization it is today. He would be available to act in an advisory capacity as needed.
- Three (3) Directors positions will be open in 2020:
– Commander
– Secretary
– Member at Large - Nominations and Elections Process
a. Any member interested in one of the open Board positions should send to Secretary Bob Sharak:
– Short bio
– Brief description of why you want the position
b. Voting will be in the December meeting. If a position has more than one nominee, there will be a silent written vote.
c. Descriptions of Board member duties can be found on the AVMS website.
50/50 Winner of $48 was Lanny English.
Mary Northrup described the process for members to sign up for Operation Thanksgiving and make their $50 donation. Sign up and donations for members of AVMS commenced at the end of the meeting.
Motion to close the meeting was made by Ernie Wawrowicz and seconded by Jerry Hufford. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.
Respectively submitted,
Robert Sharak – Secretary