April 9, 2019 Meeting Minutes
Attendance: 49 members present indicating a quorum.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Commander Martinez at 6:30pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Member-at-Large Ernie Wawrowics. An invocation was given by Ken Anderson. Commander Martinez welcomed everyone and new members were introduced. Special recognition was given to Mr. Frank Perz an Army Korean War Veteran who was visiting Del Webb and celebrating his 90th birthday.
Introduction of Guest Speakers: Southeastern Guide Dog Association
Commander Martinez introduced Karen Conkel and Sean Brown from the Southeastern Guide Dog Association. A delightful program was presented regarding the training and assignment of guide dogs and service dogs trained by their organization.
Committee Reports:
Treasurer’s Report:
The treasurer’s report was given by Steve Milbrod and will be available on the website for membership review.
Secretary’s Report:
The call of attendance was taken by Secretary Pat Sefton. All members of the board were present. The secretary asked for approval of the March minutes. The motion was presented by Commander Martinez and a second was given by Member-at-Large Ernie Wawrowics. The minutes were approved and are online for review by the general membership.
Bob Sharak reported 89 members in good standing, of which 1/3rd are veterans, meaning 2/3rds of our membership are non-veterans supporting the organization. He announced the creation of a new Letter of Introduction, which will be placed in the “closing packet” of every new resident of DW to encourage growth and participation.
Jerry Hufford provided a brief update for Chris DiBiase on the status of the website. Jerry encouraged all members to visit the site for regular updates and information regarding the activities of the organization. The website address is: dwlwrvets.com
Outreach Committee:
Ken Anderson updated on the status of the committee and announced the group is still developing. If anyone is interested in serving on this committee, please contact him.
Steve Milbrod announced he continues to work on the scrapbook of photos depicting the activities and events of the organization. Although most of these activities are identified on the website, a paper trail may be viewed by potential new members and residents.
Supply Officer:
Fred Chapman announced he has a full inventory of hats and shirts for both male and female members. Please contact him if interested in purchasing any.
Old Business
Commander Martinez provided a brief update on the status of the Veterans Memorial. A permanent location is being finalized and work is scheduled to start soon.
Vice Commander Jerry Hufford provided a brief review and update regarding the Turning Points Organization. There are other Del Webb residents who routinely volunteer their services at Turning Points. If any AVMS members would like to volunteer, please contact a board member and your name will be forwarded to the appropriate contact person.
Member-at-Large Ernie Wawrowics reported that the MOTS organization collected $712.00 from our organization’s volunteer work at the Sarasota County Fair. $500 was from prepared food sales, and $212 was from the tip jar. The MOTS organization is very thankful for our participation.
New Business
Steve Milbrod announced a Dance/Game Party fundraising night for the MOTS organization at the Oasis Center on May 18th at 7:30 pm. Ticket prices are $10.00 for members and $13.00 for non-members. The evening will include dance music, games, an auction, and prizes for all attendees.
General announcements included a quick notice from Commander Martinez regarding the next two meetings. He also commented on the Flags over DW program on Memorial Day which had great participation last year. The details are still being worked out and further announcements are forthcoming.
No questions or discussions came from the Open Forum.
50/50 Winner was Helen Schmidt.
Meeting adjourned at 8:03 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Pat Sefton, Secretary